Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Chris Binks

Date submitted
13 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I reject the Sunnica application fully, I live in the village of Isleham here are some of the reasons to my objection. Disruption to my daily life and routine due to; • increased traffic, through the village which will cause extra road noise from HGV’s and also make journey times longer • road closures and temporary traffic lights which again will cause huge disruption. • restricted access to green areas- including footpath closures. • visual impact, it will change the area in a dramatic way from rural farming to industrial and NO one wants to live on a massive industrial estate. • dust pollution – [Redacted] I know a neighbour who will suffer even more due to their lung problems. • noise pollution- We worked hard and saved to buy our new home in the country side because we wanted quite!! The sound of the equipment that puts the posts in the ground will be loud enough without the addition of all the other factors. I’m a chef and work unsociable hours so then working 6 days a week 12hrs a day is going to drive me mad.. I’m sure I can speak for pretty much everyone with regards to this. • loss of outside green space – no escape from the visual impact of the scheme • mental well being- there will be no escaping the impact of this scheme in every sense.. noise, visual, disruption. Property • I chose to live in a small rural village which will become an industrial area • problems selling on, people are already having problems selling their houses in the village, this will only increase if this application is passed. We have finally managed to get together enough money to put down on our first house and we are concerned that we will end up in negative equity if this scheme goes ahead. Local estate agents estimate between 10 and 20% decrease in property value. • property values affected we will be trapped living in an industrial site as we will not have the funds to leave. Safety • battery storage- fires, toxic gasses. It’s proven that the technology is not reliable with many fires reported. • schools are in close proximity of the large battery sites • increased traffic in small rural villages lacking crossings and traffic calming measures. • Roads – these are village roads within very old villages containing many listed buildings and monuments. They are not designed for large HGV’s. In many places such vehicles will be unable to pass without taking up the whole road. Flora and fauna • Wildlife and conservation are very important to me, I feel this scheme will have a devastating effect on our diverse flora and fauna. including the chalk streams that run alongside the site. • the most concerning aspect of Sunica clearly they have no regard for the local people or environment and the whole project is a money making scheme that has no real value to the environment. The amount of pollution created to build the site out weighs the gain, that coupled with the fact that it’s going to be put on the UK’s most fertile land for food production, essentially disabling the county’s ability to feed itself makes it completely insane to even be considered. Ask yourself if YOU would want to live next to a solar farm this size? I’m guessing the answer is NO! I wish to be kept up to date and informed at all stages, my contact details are [Redacted]