Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Andrew Hindmarsh

Date submitted
14 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am totally against this application made by Sunnica. I live locally and these are my reasons: * It has been shown that the project will not have any positive carbon reduction over it's lifetime - infact will make more carbon than it saves - once the production and transport of the panels is taken in to account * It goes against policy and sense - solar should be on brownfield sites/industrial rooftops etc and not productive farmland * Given the current international climate we need our farmland for food. Even after the solar farm has been decommisioned the land cannot be used for farming. Importing more food will further add to the carbon problem assocaited with this project. * Loss of farming in the area will result in a loss of jobs, industrialisation of the environement and destruction of our communities and the habitats of many species of animals. *Sunnica have been difficult to engage with and evasive about difficult questions. They plan to have an excess of battery storage facilities (of unknown fire risk as experimanetal and larger than anywhere else) so they can buy and store cheap electricity form the grid and sell it back at a profit. This just increases the price of electricity for consumers - profit ahead of safety and sense. *There is a rare chalk stream in the area which should be protected. *A project of this scale should not be near homes and communities.