Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Geoffrey Cyril Jones

Date submitted
14 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Why Sunnica should not be allowed to build their solar panel site on 2500 acres of land as suggested: 1. The UK needs to be more and more self-sufficient, especially in the need to feed ourselves. The land proposed is highly efficient and productive in providing two yields of wheat and vegetables each year and supplies all the major UK supermarkets. 2. Solar energy which is one of the least efficient way of providing power to supply the National Grid. It will be a double mistake to take away prime agricultural land and use it to build low-efficiency energy supply resulting in higher imported food costs, and with the solar fields producing very low energy due to poor Northern Europe weather conditions. 3. Thousands of wind turbine sails are now being buried because they cannot be recycled. How much of the planned Solar Panels will be able to be recycled at the end of their useful life? This will be yet another gigantic toxic job for landfill! 4. I understand that the proposed panels will be made in China and delivered to the UK. How can we be sure that China isn’t using forced labour, Uyghar? If this is so, it is absolutely not acceptable to the UK and we need to be sure this doesn’t happen. 5. The storage batteries have been shown to be extremely dangerous emitting toxic smoke and fumes if they catch fire which cannot be put out. These batteries must not be stored within a distance of any schools and residential habitation. 6. This solar field will directly affect at least five local villages. No matter how high the fences erected round the solar fields, ugly in themselves in large quantities, the solar panels will still be visible from the higher areas, the. Beck Road heading towards Worlington and any homes on a hill. 7. If this allowed to go the prices of our homes will drop and we would like to know whether Sunnica will be compensating owners if they move at any time after permission to go ahead should be granted as the loss of amount due to Sunnica’s business may prevent the purchase of the same quality of home elsewhere? 8. Overall, this project seems like a very poor idea for this gentle, peaceful productive area and we hope that common sense will prevail in the Secretary of State’s Department and that someone from that Department will come to this area and see the devastating impact on all local residents’ quality of life. 9 The transfer of power from batteries to Burwell will mean massive disruption of roads and traffic in the 4mile trench proposed over a period of 2 years. 10 it appears that a flexible carpet roll-out type of solar panelling which can be used to quickly be laid on roofing or wrapped around awkward architectural structures is already well advanced and in use. Another lighter style of solar sheeting is apparently already being printed out in Mexico with the same ease as operators used to print over T-shirts. The emphasis for both will be on immediate local and community use. I bring this to your attention only to suggest that the ugly, expensive, fertile land spoiling, fire hazard technology to be used will be well out of date from the actual start of this project but remain with us as a terrible inefficient blot on the landscape over the following 30/40 years or so.