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Representation by Fordham Parish Council (Fordham Parish Council )

Date submitted
14 March 2022
Submitted by
Parish councils

The Parish Council wishes to raise the following objections and concerns about the Sunnica application. 1- the area covered by the scheme is grade 3a arable land or better. Many of the residents have farmed this land all their lives and know what grade of land it is , the consultant paid by Sunnica failed to realistically assess the land in question properly, we would respectfully ask that the Inspector asks for an independent report. 2- we have real concerns about the safety of the Battery Storage Units. Our residents fear they will be living with a potential bomb on their doorstep, and have received no reassurance from Sunnica about the safety of their homes. 3- the volume of HGV traffic will blight the village for up to 3 years. Access to several of the sites will have to be through Fordham and we fear for residents safety. 4- we feel that there has been no proper consultation and no meaningful engagement between Sunnica and the residents many of whom are in favour of renewable energy but feel this scheme is in the wrong place , it should not be engulfing small villages but placed in remote areas away from settlements.