Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Erin Holland

Date submitted
14 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I very much object to the sunnica solar scheme for many reasons including the ones listed below: - Suffolk is classed as an area of outstanding natural beauty. - The countryside will be lost for over 2 generations and there is no guarantee the land can be returned to its former agricultural use after 40 years. - This area is home to many, many, many species that will be badly affected by the plant. - What will happen to any trees in the proposed areas? University analysis shows the Sunnica scheme cannot be green and will create more carbon dioxide than it will ever save... - Any digging that will take place during construction will release carbon sequestered in the soil. - The panels will be installed on concrete bases. Concrete accounts for 9% of all carbon emissions and would also create an area barren of life. - In the uk, we are only 64% self sufficient in food. This scheme would mean we were even less so, causing more carbon emissions. We simply cannot afford to devote vast spaces of land to a power plant. - What will happen with the decommissioning of the panels? Is this creating another issue that the next generation will have to deal with? - The plant will embody the use of lithium, a finite resource which causes more environmental harm than fracking. - Lithium ion battery energy storage compounds can create fires that cannot be put out. The fires generate toxic fumes which can be lethal even in tiny amounts. Sunnica LTD has no experience of building battery energy storage compounds on this scale. - Dust generated during the construction will be hazardous to the lungs of humans and other species, particularly people with COPD and asthma. - The plant would be built by Smith brothers LTD, a Yorkshire company. Panels will most likely be bought from China (known to use slaves for some panel production) and profits will go to Sunnica's Spanish owners. There will be no monetary benefit (or really, any other benefit) for the people who will be subjected to living in this plant. We should hand the planet to the next generation in a better position, not a worse one.