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Representation by Martin Savage

Date submitted
15 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live in Burwell and know from past experiences the works required to be completed at the Sub Station in the village will have a massive impact as they will significantly increase traffic on small country roads (which they never ever repair!) and also the proposed site is located within the fenland flood plain. This proposed wider development/installation across natural open countryside will definitely have a massive impact and bring no benefit to the local village communities - even the company being put forwards for building it are not local as they come from Yorkshire! Circa 100 acres of concrete hard-standings and roadways are to be laid - concrete no matter what they say is a great contributor towards CO2 in the air let alone the traffic/lorries etc required in delivering to the various sites! The countryside requires to be open, allowing the wildlife/nature to have free unimpeded travel across it. Security fencing always erected around these sites immediately stops that - we have enough deaths of wildlife on the roads without starting upon their homeland! If it goes ahead (and why would it!) the sites will become eyesores let alone what happens to them at the 'end of life' - they become brownfield sites, just remember all of the old war time airfields scattered across East Anglia! Why the need for so, so much battery storage - batteries in this format/installation have a history of problems and explosions – once alight you can’t put them out as water and electricity don`t mix! They are left to burn out, all that smoke a debris scattered around including the dangerous fumes/gases up into the air! The cabling required to connect this mean that we are yet again having to see open natural countryside destroyed and the wildlife yet again affected – imagine your own home being destroyed and having to find somewhere else to live! The land taken in this currently grows produce/crops, why take it out of use; we as a country need to become more self-sufficient in food production. Current events are a clear demonstration in that respect. The owners are not even English – Spanish, why not invest back there? They have so much more sunlight than we do. This is wrong, you as the planners do not live here so it would not affect you directly but will have the ability to indirectly impact upon your lives as the power created will be ‘stored’ and therefore sold back into the grid at higher rates, which you will have no option except having to pay for it.