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Representation by GDPR Protected 002

Date submitted
15 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I do not think Sunnica should be built. I am 9 years old and live in the village of Worlington with my dad and mum. I am Autistic and find noise hurts my ears and makes me feel upset. There will be a lot of noise when it is being built, my mum played a video of piles being put in. I did not like it. We walk our dog along Greenlane, this will be closed during building and after will be surrounded by fencing. I go out and look at nature, I swim in the rivers and last year I helped with the bat surveys, I am worried that the panels and fences will upset our wildlife like the bats, bids and hedgehogs. Dad showed me all the fields, there everywhere. I don’t understand why we are not putting the solar on the roofs. Where will the pigs and other food go? I wish to be kept up to date and informed at all stages, my contact details are