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Representation by Nikki O'Callaghan

Date submitted
15 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live in Freckenham and work in La Hogue Farm Foods in Chippenham, these are my objections: Road Network - All of the access roads are B roads and are completely unsuitable for heavy plant. My house is situated on a major junction in Freckenham and am worried about the safety of my home and my day to day life driving and walking my dog. The roads are already busy, with heavy plant too its unacceptable and very dangerous Consultation - The whole process was wholly inadequate and very poorly administered - many people are pro renewable energy but not one person is agreeable to Sunnica's proposal this shows the poor communication Sunnica has had with the residents and also shows that we are not stupid we know what this is all about, and its not helping us to achieve net zero! Job Security - I work at La Hogue along with 45 others. The main road the heavy traffic will use is the same access route for our customers - this will discourage customers visiting this extremely successful business. It is totally reliable on customers so my job security will be at risk Farm land - Even though I'm not a farmer, at the Sunnica meeting, we were told the farm land around these little villages are basically low grade! We grow Potatoes, Carrots, Onions ,Sugar Beet and grain in this poor soil!! All of the crops are staple food for the inhabitants of the whole of the UK! Surely we have to preserve our food producing land? Batteries - Sunnica has not given me any confidence in the measures taken to ensure our safety. The possible fall out of any fires etc is just too awful to imagine - with little concern for the affects it will have on our communities. This is not a solar farm it's a battery farm - Sunnica was unable to inform us of how many solar panels are needed and more worryingly how many batteries!! Location - Why is this battery farm being placed amongst these ancient villages? Why has it not been planned for brown field sites or industrial areas or a location far from villages/towns? There are many places in East Anglia with suitable locations far from inhabited villages.