Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by James Thorp

Date submitted
15 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to object to this planning application. Have managed some of the land included in the scheme and surrounding area I do not believe the land is as poor as 'Daniel Baird Soil Consultancy Ltd" who surveyed the 924Ha site make out, they having found only 8.8ha of grade 3a land. The report does not seem to comply with British Soil Science or MAFF guidelines. When compared to the established soil classification results of the Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) this figure seems incorrect. Under this established classification of the Sunica proposed site it is predominantly made up of grade 2 land and Grade 3 land. As a large proportion of the grade 3 would be graded as 3a this would mean the land graded 3a and above falls into the 'Best and most Versatile" (BMV) soils classification. Much of the land is irrigated with water and used for growing high value root crops, Potatoes, Onions and carrots. As well as traditional arable crops wheat and barley. At a time of unprecedented food inflation and reminders of the importance of food security and local production it seems wrong to be considering removing such productive arable land from food production. I am in favour of renewable energy projects in the UK but these should not be done at the expense of very productive land.