Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by C L Cleere

Date submitted
15 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am not against solar power but this is a badly thought out plan that no one in the local area wants. The size of the proposed solar farm is ridiculously large. The residents of the local villages do not want to live in a commercial development with all the noise and disruption that brings. We would lose too much good agricultural land. This is especially important in current times when food security becomes a critical issue. It will have a negative effect on the wildlife of the area. A few trees being planted at the edges will not make up for all the concrete that will cover the acres of land. There will not be a local benefit or any real local employment from the scheme. In fact, the noise, the risk of damage and potential fires will have a detrimental effect on the area. It has been shown that this scheme will create more carbon that it saves, this should not be created just to be a box ticking exercise for someone’s idea of a green plan. If there is genuine interest in creating green energy for the local population, then help us to purchase solar panels for our homes, not just draw out something that can stuck in a flat area on the map for maximum profit. This proposal should not go ahead. It is not safe, it is not suitable, it’s not sustainable.