Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Ian Garget

Date submitted
15 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

MY OBJECTIONS TO THE PROPOSED SUNNICA SOLA FARM * FAR TOO BIG I understand the need for green energy including sola farms, but this solar project is on such a vast industrial scale. 2792 acres when the average sola farm is between 75 & 100 Acres. * INDUSTRIAL LANDSCAPE replacing 2972 acres of prime AGRICULTURAL land with an industrial sola farm when the country needs to produce it's own food. THE COUNTRY MAY NEED ENERGY, BUT WE ALSO NEEDS FOOD. A more suitable site should be found. * DANGEROUS TECHNOLOGY, the lithium batteries proposed are highly susceptible to thermal runaway, causing fires and explosions. Emitting hydrogen fluoride, which is highly toxic. Causing air, water and ground contamination. These batteries have been BANNED FROM MANY COUNTRIES. Yet it is proposed to place 78 ACRES of these batteries close to houses and schools. THIS SURELY CAN NOT BE RIGHT. * INEFFICENT How can 15 miles of cable from the sola farm to the connection point at Burwell be efficient. * CLEAN UP There are no guarantees of who shall clean up the site after the site is finished with in 30/40 years time. It will be very expensive and the land is unlikely to be returned to agricultural . so leaving us with 2792 acres of Industrial site, with contaminated ground. * WILDLIFE The project will destroy the wildlife corridors, feeding and nesting habitat. Yes re planting is proposed but it shall take at least 15 years to effective at screening the 2 1/2 meter wire fencing around the solar panels and even longer to screen the 6 meter fencing around the lithium batteries. * TRAFFIC They estimate that there will be 2 years of construction traffic on our small country lanes and through the villages, and are already saying that they shall have to widen roads and alter road junctions. inevitably the local council shall be left with a large repair bill, which it can't afford.