Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Nick Airey

Date submitted
15 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Farming Land surely it is more carbon friendly to grow as much produce as close to the end consumer as possible, we need farm land to farm. importing food is a backward step. Solar Panels i have been a roofer since 1982 and the best place for solar panels is on roofs. It should be law that solar panels are compulsory on new builds and all new commercial developments, especially distribution centres. The cost would easily be lost in the construction of new houses and industrial estates and distribution centres where more panels can be installed would also have the benefit of being able to have space for large battery storage. Longevity Solar panels only operate at around 20% efficiency when new and degrade with time. What is going to happen when the Sunnica farm becomes knackered. Technology moves on and some householders with solar panels on their roofs would have the option to upgrade their panels to more efficient models, because as individuals they could make that decision and it would benefit them. Similarly business's with panels on their roofs would also look at upgrading their panels at their own expense. Cant see this happening on a large scale solar farm where those in charge are only interested in quick profits. Countryside It is common knowledge we have managed to destroy are villages with large scale housing estates. Please don't do it to our countryside. i don't want to live in a manmade jungle, if i did i would move to a city. [Redacted]