Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Fairhaven Estate (Fairhaven Estate)

Date submitted
15 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sirs, We write to object to the proposed Sunnica Energy Farm. The objection is based on a number of points: • The proposed solar farm takes valuable agricultural land out of production – recent events have highlighted the growing importance for food security. • There are many other more suitable sites across the country e.g., existing brownfield sites. • It would be much less of an impact if solar installations were prioritised for/on commercial and industrial buildings – often where the power is used and there are already connections to the grid. • The installation of the proposed scheme would cause absolute chaos on the local road network, which are already heavily congested. • Whilst there would be some employment created during the construction phase of the project, it is unlikely to include much local labour/skill, and when the scheme is constructed, there is likely to be limited, if any, requirement for local labour. The scheme will provide little, if any, employment for the long term. • The value of many of the properties in the locality will be drastically (negatively) affected by the installation. • The ecological impact of the scheme will be massive. • The carbon footprint from creating the proposed scheme will be enormous – it can hardly be classed as a green energy project. • There has been limited explanation of how the panels and equipment are likely to be disposed of/recycled when the scheme comes to an end. This cannot be viewed as a green energy project for the future when the negative impacts from the scheme are likely to be so enormous. Yours faithfully Fairhaven Estate