Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Luke Harris MBA BSc (Hons) IEng MIGEM CMgr MCMI

Date submitted
16 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a local resident I object to the Sunnica scheme. I object for several reasons but the main three I have laid out below: - Location. This is an area of unique ecology where Breckland meets Fenland this not only creates a beautiful landscape for residence but it home to wealth of species of flora and fauna some of which are protected such as the great crested newt. This ecology will not survive a 2792 acre solar PLANT. It’s also 2792 acres of prime farmland supporting a large number of cereals, potatoes, carrots, parsnips and pork, if this scheme goes ahead, we might be able to keep the fridge on but there will be nothing to put in it. With c. 90,000 acres of unused industrial roof tops which would be prime for solar panels this seems ill thought out. - Safety. Battery Energy Storage Systems have been shown to unsafe the world over with places such as Arizona and Australia banning them whilst investigation continue into huge thermal runaway event. I have [Redacted] young children; one such event could kill all of them with fluoride gas emissions - there is no mitigation for this risk. If these were on industrial roof tops it would save the need for large scale BESS. - Net Zero. This scheme does nothing to help the UK Govt achieve its net zero target, over its lifetime the Sunnica scheme has been shown to have a net positive carbon impact. No not only will the scheme destroy the environment, but it will also help destroy the climate at the same time. In conclusion, this scheme if it goes ahead, it will deprive the UK of valuable food source, put the lives of our children at risk, destroy the environment and pollute our climate. In the investigations and enquiries that would follow, I would hate to be one responsible of signing it off. I wish to be kept informed by Email.