Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Joanne Haffenden

Date submitted
16 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

In view of the climate crisis, we need good green energy schemes, however the Sunnica solar project is not! We cannot afford to lose over 2,500 acres of greenfield land, it is highly productive farmland producing much needed vegetables and provides habitats for 100's of species of wildlife. We must save this land to maintain local wildlife and food security, we need to become more self sufficient in food. The countryside we all need and love will be lost for over 2 generations. Sunnica Ltd has no plans for sourcing components ethically, importing panels and batteries from China and the poor scheme design means that this solar plant has a massive carbon footprint and will hinder our vital pursuit of carbon zero by 2050. University analysis of the scheme shows it cannot be green, it will create more carbon in it's lifetime than it ever saves. How can this be allowed to happen! Sunnica Ltd has no experience of building BESS on this scale, there will be over 70 acres over 3 sites all close to homes. Li-ion BESS are known to catch fire and burn without the need for oxygen and cannot be put out. The fire creates Hydrogen Flouride, a poisonous gas which can be lethal for people, animals and wildlife. This scheme poses worrying toxicity risks to our water supplies, the water runoff from deteriorating panels could contaminate the watercourses, as would the fighting of any fires and explosions within the battery sites... what will that mean for all the homes, schools etc near these sites? I support green energy BUT the installation of an industrial solar and battery plant on green spaces, productive farmland and wildlife habitats is NOT green. There are thousands of unused south facing commercial roof spaces and millions of rooftops that could be used to meet our net zero target. We are surrounded by water for windfarms, why take away our beautiful countryside and green spaces that would NOT normally be considered for development? Most people work and live in busy towns and cities and seek solace in the countryside, especially so in recent times, to help their mental health. The Sunnica proposal will have a huge impact on this area which will be spoilt forever!