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Representation by June Margaret Jenkins

Date submitted
16 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Moved [Redacted] to live near my family in Red Lodge 6 years ago. Had I known this scheme was in the pipeline I would not of done so. My concerns are: 1. The safety of the batteries near my home and local schools and amenities. This is the largest battery storage system in the UK and development of this scale and new, untested technology. 2. Loss of valuable pastural land and taking away valuable wildlife corridors and habitats. Solar panels could be placed on new builds and built more sympathetically and on brown field sites. Worried about our food supply in the UK in the future. 3. I moved to the countryside for a quiet life, am worried about the infrastructure, especially roads and congestion. 4. I am worried what the consequences will be for the younger generation who will have to live this for 40 years.