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Representation by Carbon Neutral Cambridge (Carbon Neutral Cambridge)

Date submitted
16 March 2022
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

20397 Carbon Neutral Cambridge strongly supports the principle of increased provision of renewable power, including wind, solar and energy storage, alongside reductions in consumption and increased energy efficiency. This is vital to avert a climate catastrophe. However large scale installations must be done right. We oppose the Sunnica scheme as currently proposed, unless changes are made, and the LEGALLY BINDING OBLIGATIONS below are imposed to enforce these We believe that at 500MW the scheme is too big, and that a number of locally led smaller schemes would fit more naturally into the landscape, with reduced adverse impacts on the community. Sunnica’s approach to community engagement and consultation has been disgracefully poor. Their underlying business model implies that the scheme may well change ownership several times during the lifetime of the project, while Sunnica merely manage it, Given this business model and behaviour to date, we would only support the Sunnica scheme if the following obligations are made legally enforceable These should include the following 1) Appropriate land use • No use of grade 1 ‘excellent quality’ or grade 2 ‘very good’ agricultural land • If good quality Grade 3 agricultural land is to be used, the priority must be to manage it for agro-voltaics , ie a dual use agriculture (typically vegetable growing or sheep) and energy production. This will require the involvement of real farming expertise, so should only be permitted if there is evidence of the involvement of a keen landowner/farmer. • Panels allowed on moderate quality grade 3 and poor quality 4 agricultural land unless it is a valuable habitat for priority species such as stone curlew. 2) Biodiversity gain and minimisation of visual impact • Appropriate height woodland/hedging to be planted around the sites, to reduce the visual impact of the sites and help meet national targets for woodland creation and biodiversity. • 25% of site to be allocated and managed to improve habitats, biodiversity and carbon sequestration, aiming for at least 20% biodiversity net gain over the whole development using a recognised biodiversity metric (such as the Warwickshire Biodiversity Impact Assessment calculator) • Remainder of the site to be managed to steadily improve net soil health, in preparation for a return to agricultural use. • Land management regimes put in place, with the necessary expertise and monitoring to deliver on “promises of biodiversity net gain.” 3) Financial benefit for community • As the proposed scheme is the UK’s largest, the financial benefits to the community must also be very substantial. For example, new Scottish renewables projects are required to provide a package of community benefits with a value equivalent to at least £5k/MW/yr rising with inflation for the life of the project. For a 500MW scheme, this would result in payments of at least £2.5Million pa to the local community, increasing with inflation for the life of the project.