Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Louise Webber

Date submitted
16 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am OBJECTING to the Sunnica Solar Farm application. I feel especially in the current climate we need to be as self sustaining as possible, so covering first class arable land in solar panels is ludicrous! It would have an adverse impact on our lovely villages, ugly to look at and house prices will potentially be affected. We would lose our scenic views and the wildlife will be affected. It will feel like we live in an industrial site. Concerned for the environmental risks the battery storage could have. This seems to be a get rich quick scheme for the company and the farmers involved with no care about the area. Solar panels do not create very much energy for the size of them and from what I understand they are going to store national grid electric then sell it back to them? My grandfather used to live and farm the fields at Lee Farm, Isleham, this would make him very sad if he were alive today.