Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Jacqueline Reed

Date submitted
16 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to this proposal for the following reasons: 1. Loss of greenfield land which is arable farming land. We need to become more self sufficient in food not reduce it. 2. Blight on the landscape. I like walking in the countryside and this will seriously affect my enjoyment of it and mean that I have to travel to other places by car (not good for the environment) 3. There will be more housing after the project finishes. There is inadequate infrastructure in these areas now 4. Danger of fire in the battery storage and the subsequent poisonous gases it will produce. There will be no escape from this for those living in the vicinity. 5. Sunnica has no experience in this size of battery storage. It is an accident waiting to happen. 6. Loss of wildlife. I like to see/hear animals and birds whilst out walking - if this project is accepted there will be no wildlife in the area 7. Importing materials from China is not "green", not to mention the possible use of slave labour 8. This will have a detrimental effect on house prices 9. Nothing about this proposal is "green" - it is just Sunnica looking to make huge profits under the guise of being "green" I urge you to reject the proposed monstrosity.