Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Brian Challis

Date submitted
15 February 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to this Application as for a start it is really a Battery Storage Farm as opposed to a Solar Farm as such. I have grave concerns regarding the safety of the planned storage Batteries, and the fact that they will be sited close to Villages, with increasing housing, and Schools. Sunnica have failed to engage/consult with Villagers apart from an intial exhibition at the start, and attending a Public meeting on 9th March 2022 - eight days prior to the deadline for submitting this form, when answers to concerns re safety were not reassuring. Much of the land where the "Farm" is proposed to be sited on is land where WHEAT has been successfully grown for years, and at a time when this Country is loooking to rely on imports far less it seems inconsevable to lose so many acres of Farmland. Also one site, in ISLEHAM, is where 12 Airmen died when their Bomber Aircraft, fully ladden with LIVE Bombs, crashed shortly after take off from RAF Lakenheath after catching fire and flown away from the Village of Isleham to avoid further loss of life. This field is effectively their final resting place, due to the size of the explosion. There would appear to be much more less furtile land closer to Burwell Main Sub Station, where I understand power stored in the proposed Batteries will be supplied to, and not close to housing etc., that has never been mention as a site.