Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Angela Bishop

Date submitted
16 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The Sunnica project would entail the loss of a huge area of good agricultural land. To replace agricultural land with solar panels is detrimental to our self sufficiency. At a time when we should be trying to produce more food within the UK, the wanton destruction of fertile agricultural land is disgraceful. Not only that, but the knock on effect of loss of employment by thousands of local people will be felt deeply. The danger of having such huge batteries so close to dwellings is very worrying to the residents of the affected villages, bearing in mind that they have been banned from some countries and huge fires, almost impossible to put out, have happened in the past, so there is a real risk to life. It would be negligent to overlook this point. The loss of green spaces, good for mental health, and loss of habitat for numerous forms of wildlife cannot be overestimated. These wildlife are an integral part of life in this country and are eliminated at untold costs. While not against solar energy as such, to place such a huge (the biggest in the country) around small villages is not logical. There must be plenty of other sites on non fertile land, away from habitation which could be better employed.