Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Cathy Lecheheb

Date submitted
16 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am against the proposal by Sunnica for these solar farms. These are my reasons not to allow this development: 1. The sheer size of the Sunnica proposals (nearly 2500 acres between Newmarket and Mildenhall, over 10km as the crow flies, and around Newmarket to Burwell, in total 20kms). 2. The value given locally and by the horseracing industry of views from higher ground overlooking the farmland and open land proposed to be developed for PV use. 3. The impact of the PV proposals on the valued landscape of the area, including industrialisation of an agricultural landscape of a period of many years (up to 25 years and possible more). 4. The dependence of Newmarket and its surrounding areas on visitor and tourism expenditure (including overnight and 1 to 3 day stays by owners and visitors connected to the world-famous horse-racing industry). 5. The dependence of the Newmarket horseracing industry on continued investment by owners and others who visit the area. 6. The value placed by owners and those who live in the area upon the quality of the area including the countryside in the Newmarket area and to the north east. 7. The dependence of small businesses on its world-famous horseracing industry. 8. The vulnerability/weakness/comparatively poor quality of shopping services in Newmarket Town Centre. 9. The damaging impact on of using highly productive agricultural land and taking that land out of food production for 25 plus years (including the damage to the quality of that land over time). 10. Impact on heritage and conservation areas. 11. Change in the character of the landscape from agriculture to industrial over large areas. 12. Impact on public rights of way, recreational amenity, walking, horse riding and enjoyment of the countryside for its own sake by its local inhabitants and visitors. 13. The unsustainability of the scheme – poor carbon footprint, high embedded carbon, wastage of land otherwise available for beneficial production (agriculture and shading by mitigating boundary hedgerows). 14. The battery components are not made from renewable sources. 15. The batteries are enormous and dangerous especially near residential areas. 16. Impact of compulsory purchase on roads through and private land within villages. 17. Inadequacy of consultation. 18. General disruption to the area during construction. 19. Insufficient information about the reasons for the sites and not enough transparency about how the sites will be used to make money not generate solar power. In conclusion Sunnica need to explain comprehensively the benefits of this monstrously inappropriate proposal. There is no mention of them buying power from the grid and selling it back at inflated prices. If this proposal is given the green light a condition of it should be that they cannot buy power from the grid and sell it back at a profit as this is not the purpose of renewable energy.