Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Craig Bolton

Date submitted
16 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I firstly want to mention that I support green initiatives done in a correct way. I feel that Sunnica is a get rich quick scheme that will provide more problems than it solves. I have the following concerns with the proposed Sunnica development 1) Consultation with local residents has been poor. Initially no consultation and eventually a meeting was held where concerns were represented but not answered. When asked about specifics regarding number of batteries, total capacity and location, and technology, they were vague mentioning that a preliminary study done. Surely as a financial investment, they would have more definite answers. I feel they didn't want to share this as it would be viewed negatively. 2) This development is a battery storage with a Solar element attached to it to present a green representation. When asked about battery capacities etc, again they refused to answer. They are only concerned with taking in electricity during cheap periods and selling during peak periods. Does not help with UK's desire to be independent from other nations. 3) Sunnica has no experience in this area. Looking at details, it is evident that this is a shell corporation just concerned with making money and removing liability. 4) Decommissioning site concerns were also not answered. It is evident that Sunnica will make their money and transfer ownership to remove liability to restore site after decommissioning. 5) Land being used is prime agricultural land being used to provide food for UK, removing this will increase our dependency on other nations and will bring food poverty to UK. 6) Batteries pose a significant risk to life in the surrounding villages. Red Lodge is a developing village with thousands of residents and two primary schools. As seen with the recent fire in Liverpool, batteries have a potential to have a thermal runaway and emit toxic fumes. They stated that "prevailing winds" will reduce the risk but could not go on record to day that there is no risk. Who can determine the wind direction and guarantees safety to residents. Also with the location being amongst multiple villages, the wind is sure to blow over at least on village. Fire departments are unable to extinguish these electrical fires and will let the fire burn itself out. 7) Close proximity to multiple villages is not great. The roads surrounding the proposed area cannot support the construction equipment required to build this. When asked about the location, it was mentioned that it is for easy access to the Burwell connection. There are other areas more isolated in the areas further north that would be better but would cost Sunnica more. 8) This development is not supported by councils, councillors and other prominent Government officials such as Matt Hancock as they have also done in depth analysis and have grave concerns. If you have any questions, please reach out to me. Kind regards Craig