Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Shazia Shujah

Date submitted
16 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Although I am in favour of renewable energy, I oppose the proposed Sunnica solar farm. The primary concern is residing near the BESS, the potential risk of the Lithium –ion batteries exploding and resulting in the release of toxic gases is a real threat. We have not seen any evidence of any research and trials to reassure residents, if in case of a fire, the emergency services have had hands-on practical experience to effectively deal with the fire and the toxic fumes released from a BESS of this size. A rigorous evacuation process is essential for the residents - who will implement and have the liability of ensuring that all the residents, young, old, physically and mentally compromised, children and babies are all safe in the event of an explosion? What about the post trauma affects? We are already living in a society of fear and high anxiety with viruses locking our communities down. Land is being taken away which is producing food for this country, if Britain has sanctions posed on food trade, we will face food shortages. This scheme is depleting food supplies and in turn not compensating the food production needed to sustain this country. The HGV’s used in construction will not only increase pollution, these will increase dust in the air causing respiratory illnesses - humans, animals, aquatic life and plant life will all be affected. There is a SSSI site in Red Lodge, this needs protecting. If there is an emergency, the services will be delayed as traffic congestion will increase. Commuters traveling to and from work will be impacted, there is no substantial employment in Red lodge, the residents have to travel. The house prices will see a reduction in value, how will we be compensated if residents need to relocate as our young children grow and families need to relocate for jobs and further education? The production of this solar farm will negate the net zero target, there will be accumulative pollution from the toxic emissions from synthesising these panels, toxic fuel emissions from transporting the panels, installed panels will result in chemicals leaching in to the ground and into the ground water, these will contaminate the soil and the water for many years rendering the land useless. Diseases and superbugs resistant to pharmaceutical treatments are on the increase, we need to eat a cleaner, healthier, indigenous organic diet. Clean water is essential for life force, we will be left with polluted waters, and contaminated food absorbing the pollutants from the air, soil and water, leading to further illnesses. The EMF generated by the masts and electrical cabling will affect human health. The sound from the transformers is carried for miles, causing noise disturbances to those with noise sensitivity. The batteries need positioning away from residents, the panels need to be positioned on top of buildings and new homes. This is an oversized and an over-ambitious project with a lot of unanswered and unexplained details. Sunnica will destroy the countryside, livelihoods and well-being!