Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Robert Gould

Date submitted
16 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have carefully considered all aspects of the proposed Sunnica Energy Farm and I strongly object to the proposal because of the indubitably negative consequences should it proceed. These include: Loss of productive farmland at a time when the UK is not self sufficient in food production Loss of countryside habitat for flora and fauna locally, including protected, at risk species e.g. Great Crested Newt, Stone Curlew, Nightingale, Tree Creeper, Nuthatch, Cuckoo, Marsh Harrier, Woodpecker Loss of local amenity use, walking, riding, cycling, dog walking, bird watching and other country pursuits. Longterm traffic disruption in an area where Mildenhall and local villages are frequently gridlocked when the A11 is overwhelmed by holiday season traffic, A11 roadworks and accidents. Lorries are already frequently seem to mount the pavement in Worlington when turning left towards Freckenham. Increasing heavy lorry traffic through our villages is dangerous and detrimental to our quality of life Depressed house prices Unemployment will increase as the agricultural jobs disappear and no new jobs are created by the manufacture, instillation or maintenance of the proposed Sunnica Energy Farm. The Battery Energy Storage Compounds [BESS] which are planned to be close to habitation have inherent dangers. : 1] They release highly flammable gases and toxic gases 2] They can undergo uncontrollable self-heating [Thermal Runaway] up to 400 degrees Centigrade producing more of the flammable and toxic gases which can then ignite, explode and spread this thermal runaway process as a chain reaction through all the adjacent cells 3] The BESS cells are susceptible to thermal, electrical, mechanical and environmental factors and internal faults, any of which can precipitate Thermal Runaway The carbon footprint of the Sunnica scheme is huge compared with its calculated green benefits. There will never ever be a net green benefit to the UK but the equipment manufacturers in China and the Spanish owners of Sunnica will be all the richer and we in East Anglia and the UK will be all the poorer should the Sunnica Energy Farm ever be built despite the legitimate concerns and objections of the local population. It is ironic that this supposedly "Green " scheme will add to global warming by its mere existence and even more so when it bursts into flames.