Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Philip Underwood

Date submitted
17 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Sunnica will significantly and irreversibly damage the beautiful countryside surrounding our villages and induce a drastic change of landscape completely destroying the value of our homes and land. The sheer ludicrous scale of this scheme poses an extremely dangerous threat to our natural environment and village family life. We do not want our children to grow up living next to monstrous power plant and battery storage facilities that may at any time pose a huge and unforetold risk of leakage – how can Sunnica guarantee no detrimental harm may come to residents and natural habitats / wildlife? Where is the evidence that this unprecedented scheme of this size and using new technologies can be carried out with absolutely no risk? Contamination? Why should we turn our English countryside into construction sites for this Spanish company, leaving horrendous residual effects over the next 40 years including the remainders from decommissioning as and when this takes place. The ecology reports are extremely vague and the poor proposal of mitigation planting is a token effort and only very minor reduced effects can only ever be expected. We are especially concerned how densely populated the solar farm is in our surrounding areas and in dealing with large scale energy manufacture and production in highly populated concentrated areas by our communities what are the health and safety implications and protocol or unforeseen events that may arise? The evidence provided by Sunnica is completely insufficient and it is unbelievable it has got this far. The people of Suffolk and Cambridgeshire are terrified of what damage this will do to our lives and the wildlife around us that our countryside homes and gardens are famed for. We understand green energy but this scheme is not suitable in the slightest at this collosal scale and in this location. Renewable energy projects can be delivered without impacting the natural environment on such colossal scale. We want to preserve our flora and fauna for future generations to enjoy. A healthy ecosystem plays a huge role in mitigating climate change so the government needs to protect our English countryside and not allow Sunnica to destroy it.