Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Peter Spencer

Date submitted
17 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to this application. Sunnica will destroy our peaceful rural villages and the lives people have built here. I am not against solar, but I am a posed to it being located inappropriately. I have many objections with my main points being listed below. 1. Rural setting to be destroyed by a huge industrialisation installation. 2. It will be extremely visible due to the “flat” nature of the brecklands. Even the proposed hedges (in some areas) will not be sufficient enough for 10-15 years. 3. Road closures will be extremely disruptive, diverting traffic through towns that already struggle at peak times. 4. House prices have already been effected with some properties struggling to sell, this will only get worse if this scheme is to go ahead. 5. Why cover useable farm land at a time where England is unable to fully sustain its self. 6. I do not believe it will be a green scheme. Has the extra carbon output been calculated in regards to extra food imports? 7. Safety aspect of the batteries are a concern, my home is located in what I would deem close proximity to one of the battery sites. 8. Road safety is also a concern due to the fact our roads were never expected to have such large HGV’s on them. Even now when passing a tractor you need to pull off to the side of the road as there just isn’t enough room. 9. Our wildlife will be effected. 10. Noise and dust will also be problematic during construct. Please keep me informed on [redacted]