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Representation by Historic England (Historic England)

Date submitted
17 March 2022
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

PINs Registration and Relevant Representation Form Section 56 Planning Act 2008 Response deadline: 17 March 2022 Our ref: PL00528152 Project: Sunnica Energy Farm PINs Ref: EN010106 Response by: Sheila Stones Telephone: 01223 582716 Historic England The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England (HBMCE) is better known as Historic England, and we are the Government’s adviser on all aspects of the historic environment in England, including historic buildings and areas, archaeology and designed landscapes. We have a duty to promote conservation, public understanding and enjoyment of the historic environment. We are an executive Non-Departmental public body and we answer to Parliament through the Secretary of State for Digital Culture, Media and Sport. The Proposal The development would be for the construction, operation and decommissioning of the Sunnica Energy Farm across four proposed sites, and the associated infrastructure for interconnection between the sites and connection to the national grid, including an extension to the Burwell National Grid Substation. We can confirm Historic England have been party to extensive pre-application discussions with regards to this proposal. Representation We summarise our representation regarding this proposed project as follows. Please note we do not intend to attend the preliminary hearing; we will however be submitting full written representation for the appropriate deadline. 1. Introduction The applicant has provided a full Environmental Statement, which includes historic environment chapters. Our written representation will comment more fully on the ES, however for the purposes of this representation our key considerations are summarised below. 2. Historic Environment We are aware the proposed development lies within a sensitive area for the historic environment, in the setting of a range of high value heritage receptors. It was agreed during the pre-application process that detailed assessment of the historic environment would be required for the application, and a number of the specific measures were recommended and undertaken. This included a Desk Based Assessment, an assessment of the impact of the proposal on the settings of heritage assets, as well as geophysical survey and trial trenched evaluation. The information provided is of a high standard and we broadly accept the conclusions Further detailed comments will be provided in our written representation. 3. Impacts on designated and non-designated heritage assets Our primary consideration in relation to this scheme is the impact of the proposal on the significance of the designated heritage assets within the vicinity. Namely, the changes to the setting of the grade II registered park and garden known as Chippenham Park (1000615). We will also comment upon the impact upon the significance of the four designated barrows within the Sunnica West Area, which are a scheduled monument known as the 'Four bowl barrows north of the A11/A14 junction, part of the Chippenham barrow cemetery' (NHLE 1015246). We will also provide further comment upon the impact of the proposal on the significance of the scheduled monument known as Roman villa south of Snailwell Fen (NHLE1006868), through development within its setting. The villa site is located on the western boundary of Sunnica West B. Historic England are keen to ensure the avoidance of significant impacts to these designated heritage assets. However, we confirm that in this case, whilst we consider that there would be some harm to their significance the impact is at a level we consider is likely to be broadly acceptable in policy terms. Nevertheless, we are keen to ensure however that there is adequate mitigation to reduce impacts and to reduce any resulting harm further. Further advice will therefore be offered through our Written Representation in relation to the registered park and garden and the scheduled monuments as well as commentary on other highly graded and designated heritage assets affected by the scheme, and on the proposed mitigation. We are also aware the development will result in a range of potentially significant impacts on a number of non-designated heritage assets and archaeological sites, we will not be commenting on this matter and will defer to the LPA and their expert and specialist advisors. 4. Summary Historic England’s primary concern is to ensure that the historic environment is adequately and appropriately considered within the submitted ES and that any concerns we have previously raised have been addressed. Likewise, that the DCO is worded to ensure appropriate mitigation for the historic environment and the dissemination of the result. Our full written representation will therefore make further, detailed comments with regard to the impact of the scheme upon the historic environment. Sheila Stones [redacted]