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Representation by West Suffolk Council (West Suffolk Council)

Date submitted
17 March 2022
Submitted by
Local authorities

West Suffolk Council has prepared a Relevant Representation and the full document will be sent under cover of a separate email to The Relevant Representation sets out a number of concerns that West Suffolk Council has in connection with the quality of the assessments undertaken by the applicant and the adequacy of the mitigation proposed to address adverse effects. The Relevant Representation highlights where additional work is required by the applicant to resolve these issues so that the true impacts of the scheme can be considered. Specific issues raised include the following: Landscape and visual amenity – the applicant’s assessment underestimates impacts and more tailored mitigation is required. Ecology and nature conservation – further evidence required to demonstrate that the mitigation hierarchy has been followed – i.e. avoid harm before considering mitigation. Transport and access – Suffolk County Council, as highway authority, do not accept the submitted assessments. Impacts on non-motorised users are underplayed and it is unclear how public rights of way will be affected. Community impacts/benefits – the application does not recognise the impact the proposal will have on the community and community benefits on offer are limited. Noise – there is a lack of detail on amenity impacts and further assessment work is required. Socio-economics and land use – queries remain regarding agricultural land classification and the applicant’s assessment of impact on future growth in the district, as well as securing legacy skills benefits. Battery Energy Storage Systems – Suffolk Fire & Rescue are satisfied with the details submitted at this stage but concerns remain in the community. Impacts on horse racing industry – including landscape effects on setting of important sites such as the Limekilns and the impact of construction traffic.
