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Representation by Yvonne James

Date submitted
17 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Since solar panels can go on buildings I see no reason to take productive agricultural land out of use (especially in light of the issues of BREXIT and the war in Ukraine which impacts costs of our food). Growing our own produce is a priority, not only as a food source but it also helps keep our atmosphere healthy. There should be mandates in place that protects our food production and that alternative solar panels are used on all new builds and commercial properties instead of abusing the land and wildlife around us. What harm will be done to the soil whilst the panels are in use? Will there be heavy metal contaminations etc? Solar panels are made using scarce earth resources that are mined in usually unethical ways and then there comes to the safe recycling of the panels and the batteries after the period of use - there is no safe recycling of all the parts. I do not understand how this can be a healthy alternative when devastating such a huge amount of land and wildlife. I also object to the huge size of the plans and the distruption it will cause to village life and movement. Why is our countryside expected to be taken away and used for such a commercial project. Will we have any true green/farm spaces left? If it is not the panels then will it be houses both of which take productive land out of use. What about long term health impacts? What happens if the batteries catch fire! There must be hazardous fumes that will occur and seeing how frequently electric car batteries catch light, this is a legitimate concern due to the size and amount of batteries being suggested and being so close to homes. What noise will be generated not only during construction but also during use, very often batteries of larger sizes have a humming noise which is extremely irritating and could cause long term hearing issues. We also live in an area where there is archaeological interest, what effect will having solar panels have on any artefacts that have not been recovered? I strongly object to this huge project, it would be different if it was just a field or 2.