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Representation by Valerie Rice

Date submitted
17 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My main reason among other reasons for not being next to a solar farm is that it could reduce life expectancy of people living around that area! Which goes against everything we are all trying to achieve in this day and age! (Research for hospitals, being active and fit, eating correctly, administering Health and Safety to name but a few). I state this problem owing to how it is proven that electric magnetic radiation can be released. This is mostly from the radiation that is released from the industrial equipment used to store the energy. Then from the panels themselves, which produce electric magnetic waves, which can be strong which can be damaging to our bodies and our environment. Another factor is there can be energy surges, which could prove very dangerous! Also, to be considered is dirty energy that could get trapped in our homes! The bottom line is the proposed site is not acceptable owing to the dangers of the solar farm and it’s proximity to so many homes. The country roads that would lead to these solar farms are already in a disgusting state, from potholes and bad surfaces! Therefore, the roads cannot accept the many heavy duty loads and lorries that would have to use these roads! The already poor condition of the roads would deteriorate even more to almost unusable! If this proposed site was approved to go ahead, the company should install a good road beforehand! Well, they almost would definitely have to, to accommodate the heavy transportation! There are, of course, all the other more spoken of, reasons to be opposed to the solar farm! The ecosystem has to be considered strongly. We are at a point in our history, where our sources of wheat from Russia are now non existent! The proposed land that we will lose is prime land for wheat and vegetables/fruit, which of course is right here on our door step, rather than importing it! There are so many wild, unpopulated, remote areas in Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire, that would not effect anybody. So, my question is why do the solar farm developers want the proposed site here, where it will cause anxiety and detrimental health problems. Also, how many of the aforesaid companies live in this area?? None, I would wager!