Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by John Hadley

Date submitted
17 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The first thing is that it is far to big. The impact on the country side is far to great. The effects on the wildlife are insurmountable, with the loss of native birds and animals, that will not come back. The loss of good farm land, which we all need in these present times. The views from peoples houses was looking across green fields, if this goes ahead all they will see is rows of bright sola panels. The house prices will go down in value. When someone goes to sell there house which will be difficult, who wants to look out of a window and see row upon row of sola panels. The noise from the installation and road traffic on minor roads. Health effects to those living near the plant areas, if there was a fire in one of the battery storage units plus the size. The information is that they can not be put out, and give of toxic fumes. What about decommissioning at the end, who pays for that? The carbon footprint. Visual appearance of the plant, screening will take years to grow by that time the plant will have to be decommissioned. No community benefit at all. We will have to put up with all the noise of plant moving through our village, it is bad enough now with people using the village roads as a rat run. Health and safety concerns with the whole scheme. Living in a power plant.