Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by James Plowman

Date submitted
17 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to this proposal: Given what has happened in the past 2 years in terms of the Pandemic and a war in Europe, it is more important than ever to have food security as well as power security. I am in favour of solar generation in the right place at the correct scale. I find it crazy there is no policy to ensure roof space both on old and new houses and commercial buildings is not used for solar before Green filed and farming land – We cannot afford to lose the farmland. You can have solar panels on all roofs you cannot grow crops or graze cattle on roofs or on a concrete filed filled with imported panels. This scale and shear size of the site is far too large, the dangers are unknown, Sunnica has no experience of a site this large and the health and safety impact. What will Sunnica do when one of their battery storage plants fails and ignites? what is their disaster policy? The site will also not create local long-term employment. This development was never mentioned in the master plan for these villages that the installation will devastate. It will destroy the countryside forever.