Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Rebecca Richards

Date submitted
17 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am very concerned about the impact this project is going to have on the local area, an area I love and visit regularly. The sheer size of this project is going to be detrimental to all those living and working nearby and with no benefits. The land is prime agricultural land that will be permanently destroyed, how can this be a good thing when we are supposed to be reducing our food miles. This land also supports many species of fauna and flora that would be harmed. Importing millions of panels from China, who are known to have poor human rights records and use slave labour, is hardly an ethical or low carbon decision. There will be more carbon produced in the construction of this project than it will ever save. The proposed siting of the battery storage over 77 acres close to local housing is badly thought out. If any of these cells catch fire they emit poisonous gases. I am also concerned that the developers have no experience of this scale of project so the potential for a human and environmental disaster is great. The scale of this project is too large. There are ways of harnessing the sun’s energy for electricity that are less damaging to the environment. I care strongly for the environment and for reducing climate change, but I am opposed to this project going ahead as I think it will have a negative impact on the local area and on the country as a whole and will not help reduce carbon emissions but raise them.