Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Derik Bawden

Date submitted
17 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

1: Valuable countryside will be eaten up, we are losing our 'green' land at an alarming rate, we will have less and less to pass on to our children and there children 2: Valuable farm land will be eaten up with no guarantee it will ever be returned to it's former use 3: the land is valuable to wildlife as well as agriculture 3: There is no benefit to the workforce in the area, quite the opposite if farmland is taken away there is nowhere for farm workers to work 4: Sunnica are planning to build the largest solar farm in the world, with no previous experience. Would anyone in their right minds commit such a large and potentially dangerous to inexperienced persons? 5: The batteries for this crazy idea will be close to homes. Do any of the people involved in this have a solar farm next to their homes or have battery storage next to their homes? Would they buy a property next to a battery storage or a massive solar farm? 5: Battery storage units have caught fire and can't be put out plus they are known to give off toxic fumes. Again I ask would the owners of Sunnica live next to the batteries? 6: Who will benefit from this stored electricity? The Spanish owners of Sunnica 7: The carbon footprint from this plan is huge, at a time when the government and most of the world is encouraging us to reduce our carbon footprint. What sort of message is this giving to the world? And to oour children? 8: The panels and batteries are being made and imported from China, a country that takes no notice of carbon footprints or how their workforce are treated, amounting virtually to slave labour 9: This will seriously devalue our property, we did not move into the country to share it with 2 metre high solar panels and dangerous batteries threatening our lives and the land around us. 10: After it's use the countryside where it has been will be classed as brown fields and probably used for housing, not very healthy there either