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Representation by Yasmin Holt

Date submitted
17 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My biggest objection is the use of batteries in the project, this is due to the danger of fires and the difficulties in putting out battery fires. I expect the danger of the nearby battery banks will also affect the ability of those in the area to sell their propertys which will have a knock on affect to house prices in the area which will damage the local economy which is currently growing fast. My second objection is the use of so much fertile land which will be used up by the panels. This will affect our ability as a country to grow our own food, this is more important with he current wheat shortage caused by the war in Ukraine. The panels will also affect many beautiful views in the area around the vilages to the North, further impacting the local economy and the mental health of the population. With our push to use less fossil fuels it would be much better to install solar panels on roofs of commercial and residential buildings where it can be used directly instead of the need for miles of cable. This solution will help supply the energy we need to switch to electrical heating and vehicles as well as helping with the ever squeezing cost of living we are experiencing as a country.