Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Julia Wordsworth

Date submitted
17 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

• prime agricultural land will be lost forever - this country is supposed to be aiming for food self- sufficiency. • habitat loss for hundreds of species • the batteries and panels are made in China using slave labour • building the site will create more carbon than it will ever save. • it is a complete con - disguising it as a GREEN solar farm when it's really a massive and highly dangerous storage facility. • Sunnica will buy cheap electricity from renewable and NON - renewable sources, store it, then sell it back to the grid when prices are high. • why should we have a [redacted] company exploiting our countryside just to make huge profits for it's owners and shareholders. • this country cannot aim to be Carbon Zero by 2050 when it gives planning consent to [redacted] in 'green' clothing. • say NO! NO! NO! to Sunnica.