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Representation by Freckenham Parish Council (Freckenham Parish Council)

Date submitted
14 March 2022
Submitted by
Parish councils

Freckenham Parish Council objects to the Sunnica scheme as described in the DCO application, and in particular on the following points: 1. The excessive size and fragmented nature of the scheme appears to connect Freckenham and nearby villages together, and changes the character of the area from rural to industrial. 2. We object to the closure of parts of the U6006 Green Lane, cabling and other works planned there. This because of disruption to wildlife such as bats which feed and possibly roost there, damage to buried archaeology on the lane and its surroundings (not surveyed) and other permanent changes to the lane. 3. A significant archaeological record exists in and around Freckenham: the construction activity will damage this record, particularly in areas not surveyed. 4. Ecological surveys in and around Freckenham (including the Lee Brook) have shown active populations of wildlife such as Stone Curlew, Tawny Owls, Bats, rare Fish species and Water Voles. Disturbance during construction and inadequate proposed mitigation will negatively affect these populations. 5. During construction, the closure of ProW and roads, and construction traffic, will have significant negative effects on the amenity, health and well-being of residents. Horse riders using village roads including Mortimer Lane and the U6006 will be negatively affected. Village roads are narrow and unsuitable for HGV and over-sized vehicles. Local and Freckenham businesses, and residents, using roads within the scheme will be negatively impacted by increased traffic and disruption from highway changes. 6. The BESS compounds at Sunnica East A and B are too large and too close to residents' homes and amenities, including in adjacent parishes. Residents and business will be negatively affected by noise pollution from the BESS and associated equipment. We agree with statements in the Relevant Representation from West Suffolk Council about the inherent dangers of the BESS. All relevant data on the BESS is missing from the application, which prevents examination of it, and curtails our ability to comment on it. 7. Land in the village has been marked for Compulsory Purchase, affecting the Freckenham Conservation Area, the outer bailey of a Scheduled Ancient Monument, and land owned by the Charity of Katharine Shore (212795). Almost no detail has been provided, and suggests the routing of over-sized vehicles and HGV through the village causing significant disruption. 8. There must be an immediate fund to cover decommissioning of the scheme in case e.g. the technology is superseded or the scheme is uneconomic to operate. The permission duration is unacceptable, being far longer than the expected life of the solar panels. 9. There will be a significant loss of agricultural land in the parish, now growing a wide range of non-cereal crops including potatoes and grazing livestock, implying an ALC grading above 3b. 10. The site selection process was flawed, particularly for Sunnica East A, and the need for 1000 hectares has driven the site design. The design is visually unacceptable, underestimates impacts, and includes incomplete analysis on infrastructure areas such as the BESS compounds because of missing information. 11. There is no community benefit from the scheme.