
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 551 to 575 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Philippa Wiggin

    I strongly object to this application on the basis the damage to environment, good arable land being taken out of production when we most need it. We need more crops grown in this country not less -... Read more

  • Robert Horton

    I live in a cottage on La Hogue farm immediately adjacent to one of the proposed large areas of solar panels and battery storage units which form part of the Sunnica Energy Farm proposal. I also work... Read more

  • Robert Owens

    To much farm land being used which could then become a brownfield site after 40years The solar panels will probably be imported from China No local benefits during and after construction The battery... Read more

  • Danni Dykes on behalf of Sir Michael Stoute (Sir Michael Stoute)

    I am objecting the proposal of destruction to 2,500 acres of beautiful farmland, home to hundreds of species of wildlife, with no benefit to the local community. This will completely ruin the... Read more

  • Chippenham Parish Council (Chippenham Parish Council) on behalf of Sue Blazey (Sue Blazey)

    I am very concerned about the size and scale of this proposed development. I am also concerned about the large battery storage facility and its safety, especially so close to residential areas. I am... Read more

  • Susan Evans-Smith

    I am unhappy about the immense size of this project and it’s effects on the environment. The scale of the battery sizes is also very worrisome. I am not against solar energy but the size of this site... Read more

  • The National Horseracing Museum (The National Horseracing Museum)

    I have grave concerns about the suitability of the Sunnica Energy Farm which is being presented to the local community on its green credentials in which there are several flaws. Not only is it taking... Read more

  • Tina Abbott

    I am concerned about the impact on wildlife and vegetation in the area.

  • Tom Clover

    I fail to see how importing a million solar panels from China that will most likely end up in landfill environmentally friendly. The huge carbon footprint that manufacturing these panels from 5,000... Read more

  • Tom Clover Racing (Tom Clover Racing)

    Erecting a million solar panels close to Newmarket will have a detrimental effect to our business. Newmarket is an extremely popular town with beautiful surrounding areas. Ruining this will attract... Read more

  • William Jarvis

    As Chairman of the Newmarket Trainers Federation, and as someone who has lived in Newmarket for more than sixty years, I find the proposed development of Sunnica unacceptable. The lime kilns gallops... Read more

  • Andrew Hopkins

    I live in the village and I am concerned about safety and house prices

  • Angela Taylor

    I am a resident of Red Lodge and have many concerns about the Sunnica solar farm proposal. These include the use of increasingly vital agricultural land and the proximity to rural villages, and the... Read more

  • Ann Traher

    I attended the Sunnica consultation meeting at Red Lodge last night. I have no objection to solar power and renewable energy as this is the future. I object to the size and location of the batteries... Read more

  • Chris James Cooke

    Where are the panels coming from if china why can they not be made in Britain and has the carbon footprint been taken in to the equation. Will the concrete have an effect on ground drainage and is... Read more

  • Chris Traher

    I would like to make the following representations. 1/ there are alternatives to using 2800acres of viable agricultural land 2/ There are alternatives to using huge non recyclable batteries 3/ there... Read more

  • East Cambridgeshire Climate Aciton Network (East Cambridgeshire Climate Aciton Network)

    As a climate action group, in principle we support any renewable energy development that will help us wean our country off of fossil fuels. This is an urgent priority as if we are to succeed in... Read more

  • Elizabeth Mary Garget

    MY LETTER OF OBJECTION TO THE PROPOSED SUNNICA FARM 1: SIZE I know that as a country we have to rethink our energy supply and usage, but this project is on such a ;large scale that it will change the... Read more

  • Ellie Smith

    •The Sunnica scheme cannot be green. It will create more carbon in it's lifetime than it ever saves according to university analysis. This is due to its huge carbon footprint from importing panels and... Read more

  • Emily Radcliffe

    I have a number of concerns about this development: 1. Inappropriate use of good farm land when food security for the UK is becoming an issue 2. The scale of the project is overwhelming and will... Read more

  • Ethan Lewis

    - I feel that it will negatively effect the local area reducing the amount of local produce/locally grown food and supplies therefore increasing co2 emissions for the produce we buy. - if there was to... Read more

  • Fergus Wright

    I am objecting this application. I understand that the UK is in need of energy and in particular there's a shift towards green solar and wind projects, however the SIZE of this project is... Read more

  • Ashtons Legal (Ashtons Legal ) on behalf of Godolphin Management Company Limited (Godolphin Management Company Limited )

    Godolphin is the global thoroughbred breeding operation and horseracing team founded by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. It is an international operation and Team Godolphin spans... Read more

  • Harry Eustace

    Newmarket has always been a unique and iconic center for racehorses, horse training and breeding. I have grown up in Newmarket my entire life and its beauty and industry have never failed to impress... Read more

  • Lyndsey Rolfe

    Negative impact on the farming community in the proposed area of development would directly affect my work and income Using productive agricultural land for non-food production purposes - especially... Read more