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Representation by UK Chamber of Shipping (UK Chamber of Shipping)

Date submitted
14 October 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The UK Chamber of Shipping is the trade association for the UK shipping industry, representing some 200 members, operating 900 vessels equalling 18 million GT in capacity, trading around the UK and globally. The Chamber represents the full breadth of the industry, including dry and wet trades, passenger transport (cruise & ferry), offshore supply and construction, towage, and specialist, as well as professional service providers with shipping interests. The Chamber fully supports the Government’s obligations to achieve Net Zero and welcomes the development of offshore renewable energy to achieve is. The shipping industry and accompanying ports play an essential role in enabling those targets to be achieved by providing bases and vessels for construction, operation & maintenance, and decommissioning. The Chamber also asserts that the planning process and framework must support both the UK’s offshore renewable goals for decarbonisation and the wider shipping industry to ensure that navigational safety is not compromised nor economic contribution from the shipping industry jeopardised, in accordance with the National Planning Statements. The Chamber seeks to ensure navigational safety is upheld and that developments are appropriately positioned to enable existing commercial navigation to continue safely and efficiently. Shipping is the greenest form of cargo transport and proposed offshore renewable developments must take fully into consideration the routeing and operations of commercial shipping to enable this to continue. The Chamber has been closely involved in the planning process for Sheringham and Dudgeon Extension Projects prior to DCO application, through PEIR, Hazard Workshops and the NRA, advocating for full consideration for navigation safety and environmental efficiency of commercial shipping. The Chamber wishes to have opportunity to provide further representation on navigation, where necessary.