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Representation by Norfolk County Council (Norfolk County Council )

Date submitted
4 November 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Norfolk County Council responded to an earlier consultation on the Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR) in June 2021; and supported the principle of these Extension Projects subject to a number of detailed matters being resolved. The County Council recognises that these Projects directly support the Government’s target of delivering 40 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind energy by 2030 as set out in the Energy White Paper (2020); and The Ten Point Plan for a green industrial revolution (2020). These projects will contribute towards these targets, which includes powering every home in the UK from green energy and supporting up to 60,000 jobs. The County Council continues to work with both the offshore windfarm sector and National Grid to explore how these projects can support our own clean growth ambitions in line with the Government’s vision for economic recovery that simultaneously addresses the challenge of climate change, offering opportunities for growth and job creation. The County Council’s interest in these projects relates to the onshore infrastructure required, which includes onshore connection infrastructure (buried cable route – 60 km); and a new substation (6ha) at Norwich Main. Additionally, temporary infrastructure will be required during the onshore construction phase as work compounds will be installed along the cable route corridor. The development of the Sheringham Extension Project (SEP) and Dudgeon Extension Project (DEP) will make an important contribution towards meeting the UK’s renewable energy targets. When operational the SEP and DEP would generate enough electricity to power 785,000 homes. These Projects would support the County Council’s net zero commitments as well as creating local jobs and longer- term opportunities for developing skills in the offshore energy sector. While recognising the important contribution the above projects will make, the applicant, the Planning Inspectorate, and the Secretary of State (BEIS) need to be aware of the on-going issue regarding the requirement for improved access to new electricity infrastructure to support the planned housing and employment growth across Norfolk. The clean energy generated through these Projects will not, at present, directly benefit and feed into the local electricity distribution networks in Norfolk. As such there is a need for a joined-up/collaborative approach between the various infrastructure providers (i.e., Equinor; National Grid and UK Power Networks) to deliver power in those areas where it is needed in Norfolk. In addition, there is a there is a holding objection from the County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority in the absence of acceptable supporting information; and Highway Officers are still assessing the detailed technical matters surrounding construction traffic and may need to raise further technical responses to the DCO. Notwithstanding the above comments the County Council supports the principle of these Extension Projects subject to the detailed technical issues/comments appended to this response being resolved through the DCO process. The County Council will make further representations to this DCO application through its submission of a Local Impact Report at the Examination Stage; and if consented will be involved in the formal discharge of any planning conditions/requirements as they directly affect the Authority.
