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Representation by Norfolk Local Access Forum (Norfolk Local Access Forum)

Date submitted
6 November 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Norfolk Local Access Forum broadly supports the Outline Public Rights of Way Strategy set out. It recognises that there will be inevitable impact on communities along the route, and believes they are therefore entitled to some long-term benefit once works are completed. It therefore asks that funding be set aside from the start that will ensure that every opportunity is taken not simply to restore what has been disrupted, but to make improvements to all the rights of way affected, including upgrades to their status where possible. As to the actual works, it is proposed that • disruption and closures are minimised, both in number and duration, and care taken to schedule closures of proximate sections to allow diversionary routes wherever feasible • all closures and diversions are notified widely and well beforehand (including specifically to organisations that promote usage of the access network, such as walking, cycling and riding bodies, which may plan programmes of activities some months ahead) • extra consideration is given to intensively used routes (such as the Marriott’s Way) to avoid (if possible) complete closure Norfolk Local Access Forum does not normally make representations regarding detailed closure proposals, though recognises that other bodies may well wish to do so and should be given every opportunity accordingly. One possible exception concerns Stoke Holy Cross Bridleway 3, where it seeks clarification of the intention regarding “the permanent interaction” between the onshore substation access road and the bridleway. It is stated that there will be “installation of gates where the road and bridleway cross one another. The gates will remain within this location on a permanent basis.” To just what will those gates prevent access?