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Representation by Bawdeswell Parish Council (Bawdeswell Parish Council)

Date submitted
12 November 2022
Submitted by
Parish councils
  1. Bawdeswell Parish Council remain concerned about the impact the cabling will have on the environment. Equinor’s comment that each 1km stretch of cable route in one direction will take approximately one month to complete and that each cable route will be fully reinstated and returned to its previous use, shows a worrying lack of knowledge of rural life. Once mature hedging is removed then, by common consent, any replacement will take 20 years to reach a comparable state. Bawdeswell Parish Council remain concern that Equinor appears to attach no importance to the damage and disruption to our communities that will be caused by thousands of HGV's servicing the cabling trenches -travelling down roads that are unsuitable for this traffic -in our case the B1145 which has existing signage that it is unsuitable for long vehicles and will also will also disrupt and damage the way of life of other villages on its route including Cawston and Reepham. All of which is entirely avoidable if the power is transmitted through an Offshore Transmission Network for which a convincing argument has been made on numerous occasions 2. Bawdeswell Parish Council share the following concerns with other Parishes about the following: lack of proper consideration by the Applicant of an alternative, more appropriate, grid connection point; need for the ExA to require the attendance of National Grid at the Hearings, to be interrogated on their actions by the ExA, in public, during the examination process; recognition, in relation to the work of the OTNR, that SEP/DEP is not an “in-flight” project; the onshore in-combination, cumulative impacts of SEP/DEP’s landfall, substation and cable corridor construction, when considered alongside the already consented Hornsea Three, Vanguard and Boreas projects; that the SEP/DEP application should include – as a necessary cumulative impact – the proposed East Anglia Green project, upon the consenting of which it depends; the cumulative impact of the possible future construction of large battery storage facilities to improve the economic viability of the project, as has happened with the Hornsea Three project.