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Representation by Yare Power Limited (Yare Power Limited)

Date submitted
14 November 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing on behalf of Yare Power Limited, a company which has secured planning permission and the necessary land rights to construct, own and operate a 49.9 MW battery storage facility situated on land owned by National Grid at Norwich Main Substation. Whilst not falling within the legal definition of a "nationally strategic infrastructure project", the Yare Power project is an important element of the UK's energy transition, and will help the UK meet its net zero commitments, As part of the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project and Dudgeon Extension Project DCO process to date Yare Power has received correspondence outlining the proposed plans and has responded to these outlining its concerns with regard to interaction between those projects and the Yare Power project. These concerns can be summarised as follows: 1. In correspondence with Equinor and the information Yare power has received from the promotors of the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project and Dudgeon Extension Project we consider there is a possibility that the proposed DCO boundary for the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project and Dudgeon Extension Project will overlap the consented battery storage facility and lease boundary of the Yare Power project. We expect the Yare Power project to exercise its land option and commence construction within 2023 and construction activity will take 12-18 months. The DCOs, if made, will need to take account of the interaction between all three projects to ensure that none is adversely impacted by the others. 2. Having reviewed the DCO submission it is clear that both the Yare Power and Equinor projects will utilise a shared access into Norwich main substation both for construction and ongoing long-term operations. This access road is also used by National Grid and other third parties given it is the only entrance to the wider substation complex. The DCOs, if made, will need to take account of the shared access arrangements to ensure all projects can coexist through construction and into operations, alternatively Yare Power would be pleased to discuss appropriate contractual solutions with the DCO promotors. 3. Having reviewed the DCO submission it looks highly likely that the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project and Dudgeon Extension Project will look to utilise land upon which Yare Power’s electrical and communication cables are likely to be installed. The DCOs, if made, will need to protect the Yare Power project infrastructure and certain measures (whether protective provisions, or requirements) will be needed to ensure that the Yare Power project is not impacted by the design of the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project and Dudgeon Extension Project. 4. Having reviewed the DCO submission it would appear that the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project and Dudgeon Extension Project intends to take land that surrounds the land that Yare Power intends to construct and operate its battery storage facility. Given the close proximity to our the Yare Power development, the DCOs, if made, will need to deliver certain measures to ensure that the Yare Power project is not impacted by the design of the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project and Dudgeon Extension Project. Yare Power welcomes the opportunity to participate in the Examination process as an Interested Party. Building upon this DCO Relevant Representation, in due course Yare Power reserves its right to submit a detailed Written Representation