1. Section 51 advice
  2. Advice in detail

Advice to Oulton Parish Council

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Oulton Parish Council
Date advice given
31 October 2019
Enquiry type
  1. How are consultees, particularly Parish Councils, identified for notification and consultation on the Scoping Report? Who identifies them? 2) Can Parish Councils that are not consulted by PINS comment on the Scoping Report? 3) Will the bodies that were notified and consulted be informed when the Scoping Opinion is adopted?

Advice given

  1. The Planning Inspectorate identifies consultation bodies in accordance with legislation (Schedule 1 of The Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009). Any parish council within which the Proposed Development would be located (ie the ‘scoping area’ identified in the Scoping Report) would be notified and consulted. A list of all consultation bodies will be included in the Scoping Opinion, once adopted. 2) Only responses received from consultation bodies that were notified and consulted will be included in the Scoping Opinion. If a Parish Council that has not been notified and consulted wishes to comment on the Scoping Report, it is recommended that they send their comments directly to the applicant. 3) The Inspectorate has 42 days from receipt of a scoping request to adopt a Scoping Opinion and will publish it on the project page of the website. Consultation bodies will not be individually notified of its publication.