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Representation by Essex Police (Essex Police)

Date submitted
10 June 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The representations of Essex Police seek to secure appropriate mitigation and management measures, either via requirements of the DCO or Statement of Common Ground to address the likely impacts arising from the scheme on its operations, service capacity, infrastructure, and resources. We understand that the project is an offshore wind farm to generate in excess of 300MW and will be comprised of (but not limited to): an offshore wind farm, including wind turbine generators and associated foundations and array cables; transmission infrastructure, including offshore substations and associated foundations, offshore and onshore export cables (underground), including associated transition bays and jointing bays, an onshore substation, and connection infrastructure into the National Grid. Whilst the scheme development and opportunities are acknowledged, our review of the project indicates that operational impacts are likely to arise for Essex Police, particularly during construction phase of the development. As key social infrastructure providers, emergency services and ‘interested parties’ in this DCO process, Essex Police are engaging with the Applicant with the aim of reaching substantive agreement on the main issues with any outstanding matters to be discussed and agreed during the Examination. Such measures are likely to incorporate: - Developer support for early mitigation measures to reduce disruption to Essex Police service provision, including the development of plans and contingencies for response and incident management. - Developer support for the duration of the construction period to ensure effective engagement between the Developer and Essex Police, supporting the creation of emergency procedures, community liaison and membership at appropriate working groups where appropriate. - Developer support to reduce the impact and disruption during the construction phase to surrounding communities, including a clear customer contact strategy. - Developer support to ensure appropriate mitigation measures are in place to minimise the risk of increased crime during the life cycle of the project. A written submission (Relevant Representation) to follow under separate cover.
