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Representation by North Falls Offshore Wind Farm Limited (North Falls Offshore Wind Farm Limited)

Date submitted
11 June 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

North Falls Offshore Wind Farm Limited is the undertaker for the North Falls Offshore Wind Farm DCO (PINS reference EN010119). The DCO application for North Falls is anticipated to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate in July 2024. North Falls Offshore Wind Farm Limited wishes to register as an Interested Party for the Five Estuaries Offshore Wind Farm DCO Examination, as it may wish to participate in the Examination given the proximity of the two schemes and the work of the two projects on co-ordinating their proposals, including a proposed overlap of some of the onshore order limits and the coordination delivery approaches set out within the application. There is also commonality of certain stakeholders and the potential for similar or cumulative environmental effects and coordination of mitigation measures which would seek to minimise impacts on local communities. Protective provisions for the benefit of North Falls Offshore Wind Farm Limited have also been included within the draft DCO for Five Estuaries. The Examining Authority for the Five Estuaries DCO Examination may also wish to direct related questions to North Falls Offshore Wind Farm Limited.