Cynrychiolaeth gan Christine Barrett
- Dyddiad cyflwyno
- 14 Mehefin 2024
- Cyflwynwyd gan
- Members of the public/businesses
Objecting to Substation in Little Bromley I am a resident of Little Bromley, a tiny village along the route of your proposed on-shore connection to the sub station at Ardleigh/Little Bromley. I, along with every single person I've spoken to in the village, strongly object to your proposals for the following reasons; 1. The unnecessary destruction of our beautiful countryside and the damaging impact of the infrastructure if the on-shore routes go ahead. 2. The impact on wildlife is unacceptable when it is both possible and also costs less to go off-shore. 3. The noise impact and proximity of substations to properties. 4. The impact on local farming, loss of farmland and the cumulative effect of disruption during different schemes' construction. 5. The substantial and unacceptable visual impact of the sub-stations. 6. The impact of construction traffic, particularly on the road safely of local residents, walkers, cyclists, horse riders etc. 7. The impact on properties and value will not be properly compensated, causing stress, anxiety and destroying our emotional well-being and love of the place we call home. 8. The possible impact of construction for those not connected to mains services, well water, drainage etc. I ask you this - if this proposal was going to affect your neighbourhood, would you be happy for it to destroy the area you live in and love? I think not. So why destroy ours when an off-shore solution is possible?