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Back to list Five Estuaries Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Shelley Bellett

Date submitted
14 June 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This will have a huge and totally unnecessary impact on the region of Tendring . This project needs to stay offshore and connect to and come onshore on a brownfield site not across valuable food producing land . I am contacting you to raise my very strong objections to your proposal to widen Bentley Road and for Five Estuaries to carry out work to connect to the Ardleigh substation. This will completely ruin our Village. I have lived in Little Bromley for 26 years and moved here to enjoy its peaceful location surrounded by unspoilt open countryside. The area is primarily grade 1 arable farmland with quiet country lanes which are enjoyed by walkers, cyclists, horse riders to name but a few. As a keen cyclist and dog walker I can only see our once quiet location being decimated by dust and noise making it an unbearable place to live. Many of the properties are listed or without foundations and the suggestion that such work be contemplated with the constant flow of heavy HGV's over 450 on our road alone ! would result in not only property prices plummeting but also damage to buildings, I assume you will compensate for this? I think not. Your glossy brochure promotes a vision of 'clean energy' but at what cost???? Clearly the technical planners/ consultant's that have been out and have somehow decided this would be a good idea have not thought his through and are a bit delusional. Our mature trees and hedgerows some of which have been replaced as the village has been cut off with snow drifts in previous years would be shamelessly bulldozed and cast aside for tarmac and concrete. As a village our roads are often flooded and more concrete and tarmac will make this worse. Your illusion of ‘clean ‘may fool others but to you guys its all about money and shareholders . I'm all for clean green energy but stay offshore. Marine wildlife will recover within three years if the project were to connect at the point where it will be delivered to London, ie Tilbury . Our village, community and countryside will never recover, nor will the valuable farm land that you will decide to compulsory purchase. Agriculture is necessary for food production and you will be taking away acres of land that will no longer be suitable for growing the crops we need to maintain food produced by British Farmers. My property would overlook the compound and new road. I currently enjoy agricultural aspects from all my views, as do all the properties along Shop Road. Who would plan a compound for construction/machinery storage the middle of a village???!!! Another flaw in your proposed project. We have no street lighting and I assume this would be artificially lit for security at night-time. This would be obtrusive and would undermine our enjoyments of the night sky. Its also harmful to our many nocturnal animals we have living nearby , including bats and owls. We live in a village NOT a town. So whilst this torment is carried out has anyone thought about the local business's trying to function? farmers manoeuvring with agricultural machinery ? and people trying to get to work? Probably not. Pollution from the HGV'S, dust. All of this is both detrimental to our health and wellbeing. My mental health is already being tested with the dread that this project is just being suggested. For the past two years we have been bombarded with questionnaires , consultations , brochures proclaiming thoughtful and careful planning from Five Estuaries, North Falls Tarchon ( that’s a joke in itself ) exporting our energy back to Germany and National Grid. I have attended meetings and listened to yours and others proposals. The majority of people do not want his project which affects all of Tendring . It will unnecessary devastate the region. Do any of you ever listen or are our protests/objections falling on deaf ears? Ask yourself the question would you like this on your doorstep? What about our human rights or do we not have any???? Tearing up the countryside is not the answer there are alternatives. We as a community will continue to fight this proposal and as more and more people wise up as to what you have planned be prepared for a fight on your hands. Greed/capitalism before green. Shame on you if this is allowed to proceed. Mrs Shelley Bellett [Redacted]