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Back to list Five Estuaries Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Laura Day

Date submitted
15 June 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

One of the proposed road that will affected is the road I live on. It will cause considerable chaos for us as the children use this road yo get to & from school via the school bus. If this road is closed the children will not be collected in little Bromley causing parents a massive problem trying to get the children to school. There are no paths for the children to walk, there are no street lights, the roads are dangerous & unwalkable for children. This road is also used by vehicles that need 24/7 access to a large working poultry farm, and a busy dog boarding kennel also in the same road. This will have a huge impact on business. Our roads are fly tipped at least once a month, if the other only access to the farm/kennels is blocked by a monthly fly tipping, there is no access to these business premises or homes. One fly tip caused a road to be closed for over 2 mths due to the council not clearing . The wildlife & vegetation will be disturbed & many will be die, the dirt & dust will cause problems, the constant noise will affect people's life's & home life. It will be a huge disruption for local vehicles who use this road for work/school.